Xiangquan Li, PE

10 Years at KJ
25 Years in Industry

A Principal with Kennedy Jenks (KJ), Xiangquan Li has more than 20 years of experience as a project manager/senior design engineer for water and wastewater pipelines, pumping stations, and water storage tanks/reservoirs.

He has designed over 70 pipeline projects, with a total pipeline length more than 60 miles and diameters ranging from 6-inch to 12-foot. He has a broad range of expertise ranging from new pipeline construction, pipeline condition assessment and pipeline rehabilitation. He is familiar with pipe materials used for water conveyance, include welded steel pipe (WSP), bar wrapped steel cylinder concrete pressure pipe (CCP), reinforced concrete cylinder pipe (RCCP) and prestressed concrete cylinder pipe (PCCP). His key clients include municipalities in northern California, including Sacramento County Regional San, Sacramento Area Sewer District, Dublin San Ramon Services District, City of San Jose, Santa Cruz County Sanitation District and many others. He currently participates in the ASCE Task Committee on Seismic Design of Buried Pipelines for Water/Wastewater.