At the 2017 National Engineering Excellence Awards (EEA), the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) recognized the Harry Tracy Water Treatment Plant – Long Term Improvements Project in San Bruno, California with a National Honor Award. The project also was awarded a National Recognition Award/California Honor Award.
The project qualified for the national awards after being recognized at the state level by ACEC California.
Project Summary
Combining advanced civil and structural engineering innovations, the project team designed an 11-million gallon reservoir that will help a nearby water treatment plant quickly restore operations in the wake of a major earthquake. The massive aboveground, concrete reservoir includes a “tank within a tank” design, with an outer 3-million gallon chlorine contact raceway for water treatment surrounding an internal 8 million gallon treated water storage reservoir. The structure’s floor-slab and roof-slab connections are an “anchored flexible” design to resist high vertical and lateral seismic forces allowing the system to deliver a minimum of 140 million gallons per day within 24 hours after a major earthquake.
Key Team Members
Joel Faller-Project Manager, Doug Henderson-Design Manager, Kerwin Allen-QA/QC Lead, Don Barraza-Lead Structural Engineer, Sonny Sin-Structural Engineer, Royce Okimoto-CAD Manager, Carol Toy-Project Administrator, Doreen Brundage-Contract Administrator

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